December 2004
Article by Mike Whaley
We have created a throttle quadrant using (mostly) flat aluminum parts cut on the waterjet. Both cockpits will have throttle and prop controls. This assembly is a lightweight and clean design.
- The back side of the forward throttle quadrant assembly. The throttles will be fully accessible for inspection simply by raising the hinged side panels. The dangling clevises will later connect to the throttle and prop control linkages on the engine (the engine is to the left) while the two steel tube linkages slave this quadrant to the rear cockpit unit.
- The “washers” are aluminum sheet, cut on the waterjet.
- The rear side of the forward quadrant.
- Forward quadrant, with both levers all the way back.
- The front cockpit view of the throttle quadrant.
- The rear cockpit throttle quadrant.
- The workings of the rear quadrant are similar to the front.
- Another view of the rear quadrant.
- Another view of the rear quadrant.