Project Gallery
Pitts Model 14
Here are some of the projects that our customers have been working on. Do you have a plane flying, being restored, or under construction? We’d love to hear about it! Before sending us digital pictures, please read the file submission guidelines first.
Then let us know!
This Gallery was last updated on 05/09/07
Models of the Pitts Model 14. |
Melf-Heiko Mast’s Electric Pitts Model 14
- The plane is ever prettier than we imagined it would be! We think she’s a beautiful design (admittedly, we’re a little biased about that, though…)
- The 14 is a unique aircraft, and here you can see the different look it has compared to other radial biplanes. The color scheme Melf used is similar to the one that we used on our 3-D CAD model (which you can see in the Pitts Model 14 section of this website)… it’s based upon the “traditional” Pitts scheme.
- What a looker! The adage “if it looks good, it will fly good” has been proven true once again!
- Melf also sent us a whole series of photos from the construction of this impressive model. Here is the main fuselage structure… similar in idea to the real thing, but executed with carbon tubes, Depron, and CA glue.
- Unlike the full-size version, the cabanes on Melf’s plane are attached to the wing center section first.
- A close-up of the wing/cabane attachments. This will be very strong!
- This doesn’t look too far off from the real thing in concept.
- The tail braces are necessary to add stiffness to the flexible, flat Depron foam tail surfaces.
- Now the fixed tail surfaces have been added.
- It’s starting to look like a biplane now!
- The wing has the flying wires attached.
- The powerful AXI motor hides within a fiberglass cowl that Melf made.
- The plane has had the exterior skin installed all around.
- We’re about ready to fly!
- In late Sept. 2005, we were pleased to have the opportunity to have Melf and his lovely fiancee Tania visit the Steen shop during a trip to the US. Airplane people are great folks, no matter what country they live in!
Melf-Heiko Mast gets the credit for building (so far as we know) what appears to be the very first scale model of the Pitts Model 14… and what a great model it is, too. Melf says, “The Pitts flies so good!” The electric-powered plane uses a combination of carbon-fiber tubes and 3mm and 6mm Depron foam to achieve a lot of strength at a very low weight. (Depron is the raw ingredient in styrofoam meat trays, except it hasn’t been heat-formed yet.) The specifics are as follows: