
The numerous how-to articles and books written over the years by the late Tony Bingelis are arguably the very best technical resource ever published for homebuilt aircraft builders. Nearly every successful homebuilder will recommend turning to Bingelis’ easy-to-read and crystal-clear explanations and illustrations whenever you’re faced with the question of “How do I do that?”

In “Sportplane Construction Techniques”, Bingelis covers many techniques and methods to construct homebuilt aircraft with a combination of new material and information first published through the years in EAA’s Sport Aviation magazine. In his preface, Bingelis says: “This book does not take the place of a good set of plans for the airplane of your choice. It does, however, help clarify construction details that may have been ignored or slighted in your plans. It may even help you in developing your instinct to solve construction problems through logical reasoning as opposed to other approaches that in the long run, are harmful.” This book was first published in 1986 and has been valued by homebuilders ever since.

Written by Tony Bingelis, Copyright 1998. Published by EAA Aviation Foundation. 366 Pages, Softcover.

Chapters include:


1. Getting Ready to Build
2. Construction Tips / Practices
3. Fiberglass Components
4. Control Systems
5. Cockpit / Cabin Interior
6. Canopy / Windshield
7. Landing Gear
8. Instrumentation
9. Electrical
10. Painting / Finishing