November 7 – 9, 2003
Article by Paul Goetsch

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Pitts Fly-In Report

Paul Goetsch, president of Steen Aero Lab, recently attended the Pitts Fly-In held Nov. 7-9, 2003 in Ozark, Alabama. Marshall Collins and crew put on a great party, in honor of the Father of the modern aerobatic biplane. Curtis visited with a lot of friends. (As the local paper said in their article about the Fly-in, he goes to events to see friends because “I’ve seen the airplanes.”) Paul even managed to take along one of the wings from the new Pitts Model 14 to show everyone a bit of the new wing architecture. We saw many friends, some old and some new, and enjoyed every minute. By all accounts, a great time was had by all. We’re already looking forward to next year!
