Aerobatic Biplanes Dominate Oshkosh Awards!

Paul Muhle's Pitts S1-SS wins Grand Champion Plans-Built Article by Mike Whaley We couldn't be more pleased about all the acro bipes that scored big at AirVenture 2007! Plans-Built Outstanding Workmanship Plaques went to: Michael Marrin, 2006 Skybolt N348MM (St. Petersburg, FL - This plane was in our display tent at Sun 'N Fun 2007) [...]

EAA AirVenture 2007 and Brodhead Fly-In Reports

July 23-31, 2007 Article by Steen Staff While we are at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh and the Brodhead Antique Fly-In, we will be busy taking lots of photos and bringing you reports about what is happening. Please check the Event Reports section for the latest!

EAA AirVenture 2007

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