Chuck Gant’s Best Of Show Pitts Special

Article by Steen Staff Steen would like to congratulate Chuck Gant of Ozark, AL. his beautiful Pitts Special S2-E (the experimental version of the S2) won the "Best Of Show - Pitts" trophy at the Pitts Fly-In in November 2004. This trophy was sponsored by Steen Aero Lab and though it must have been very [...]

Throttle Quadrant

December 2004 Article by Mike Whaley We have created a throttle quadrant using (mostly) flat aluminum parts cut on the waterjet. Both cockpits will have throttle and prop controls. This assembly is a lightweight and clean design.


December 2004 Article by Mike Whaley The wings are progressing. During the hurricane period when there was a very limited amount of work that could be done, we did what we could... John made some durable female molds of the wingtips. We will be offering lightweight and durable fiberglass wingtips (all wingtips will be identical [...]


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