Fuselage Formers, Skin and Wing Details

December 2003 Article by Mike Whaley To assist with creating the side formers and the side panels, the lower wings and tail were attached to the fuselage while posterboard templates for the side panels were attached to work out the panels and how they would overlap and intersect adjoining structure. Suspending an old Yak cowl [...]

Jose Aresti Heads West

Creator of aerobatic diagram system passes away at age 84 Article by Steen Staff Jose Louis de Aresti Aguirre, the man who revolutionized aerobatic competition by devising a standardized method by which aerobatic routines can be recorded on paper, passed away in Madrid, Spain on November 18, 2003. He was 84 years old. The Aresti [...]

Pitts Fly-In 2003

November 7 - 9, 2003 Article by Paul Goetsch [fullwidth background_color="" background_image="" background_parallax="none" enable_mobile="no" parallax_speed="0.3" background_repeat="no-repeat" background_position="left top" video_url="" video_aspect_ratio="16:9" video_webm="" video_mp4="" video_ogv="" video_preview_image="" overlay_color="" overlay_opacity="0.5" video_mute="yes" video_loop="yes" fade="no" border_size="0px" border_color="" border_style="solid" padding_top="20" padding_bottom="20" padding_left="25" padding_right="25" hundred_percent="no" equal_height_columns="no" hide_on_mobile="no" menu_anchor="" class="" id=""][separator style_type="single" top_margin="" bottom_margin="20" sep_color="#8c8c8c" border_size="5px" icon="" icon_circle="" icon_circle_color="" width="" alignment="center" class="" id=""]Pitts Fly-In Report [...]

Lower Wing Details and First Fuselage Formers

November 2003 Article by Mike Whaley The lower wings were worked on during early November, with a lot of progress being made. The tip bows were installed, as was a lot of secondary structure, gussets, sheeting, wingtip foam, etc. Minor revisions have been made to many parts to improve the final product. On November 7th, [...]

Lower Wing Basic Construction

October 2003 Article by Mike Whaley Completed the lower wing spars and began to assemble the lower wings. Lots of progress made, including minor rework as the assembly revealed hidden issues. Most of these issues were optimizations for ease of construction and to provide required clearances for hardware and fittings. The CAD plans have been [...]

Skybolt chosen as EAA Centennial Homebuilt of the Week

Tom Kozura and N51TL share spotlight Article by Steen Staff Steen Aero Lab congratulates Tom Kozura of Michigan for having his beautiful, award-winning Skybolt selected as an EAA Centennial Homebuilt of the Week. The announcement was made September 19th in EAA's E-Hotline newsletter. Please check it out!! Tom Kozura's great-looking Skybolt  

Wing Construction Underway

September 2003 Article by Mike Whaley Taking long strides on the lower wing construction. Built jigs for the wingtip bows, and produced the first set of bows. Well along with rib construction. During the process, revised plans in CAD as small issues were discovered (mostly interference tweaks, nothing major.)

Last Call for Pitts 14 Name Contest Entries!

Contest ends August 31 Article by Steen Staff We are closing in on the deadline for entries in the Pitts Model 14 Name Contest! The last day to submit ideas is August 31. If you submit the name we choose for the new Model 14, you will win $500 US (or split that amount evenly [...]

15 Year Old Builds Pitts S1-C!

Article by Mike Whaley Here's something you don't hear of every day... a Pitts Special builder who's all of 15 years old! Austin Fox in Arizona has made a lot of progress on his S1-C (even though he's not yet old enough to solo in a powered aircraft) and he is certainly one the youngest [...]

EAA AirVenture 2003 Report – Days 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

Daily reports from Steen's Oshkosh crew Article by Steen Aero Lab Staff As AirVenture 2003 continues into the weekend, we are expecting even more of the same - a great deal of interest in the Skybolt and Pitts (especially the new Pitts Model 14). There are some really excellent Skybolts here (as always). See photos [...]

Curtis Visits to Continue the Design, Wing Construction Begins

August 2003 Article by Mike Whaley Curtis visited us after Oshkosh to continue working through the details of the design. He was tickled to see the progress and the fuselage sitting on the gear. The wing construction was started. Began producing CNC rib jigs and built a number of ribs.

Pitts Model 14 Introduced at Oshkosh

4th Week of July 2003 Article by Mike Whaley The Pitts Model 14 is announced at Oshkosh, with intense interest shown in Curtis' latest design. The fuselage is displayed and we display computer renderings of how it will look. This website is launched simultaneously, and is well received.

The Pitts Model 14 is on the gear at AirVenture 2003

Article by Steen Aero Web Team The new Pitts Model 14 is on the gear at Oshkosh !! Come by and kick the tires ! We are pleased to announce the innovative Pitts Model 14, a new clean-sheet design by master architect Curtis Pitts. Technical Details at Pitts Model 14 Historical Details at Pitts Model [...]

$500 Reward – Help us name the Pitts Model 14!

Article by Mike Whaley   REWARD $500.00 Help Us Name The Pitts Model 14 Steen Aero Lab is offering $500.00 to the creative person(s) who come up with "the perfect" name for the new Pitts Model 14. (Previous Pitts designs have carried monikers like "Lil' Monster", "Super Stinker", etc.) While we don't guarantee that we [...]

Fuselage Basic Structure Completed, Engine Arrives, Steve Culp Helps Out

July 2003 Article by Mike Whaley The first M14P engine from George Coy arrived in mid July, although shipping caused failure to the structure attaching the motor to the pallet (a seemingly very sturdy structure.) Fortunately, damage to the engine is minimal so we are able to forge ahead. Steve Culp (creator of the Culp [...]

Fuselage Basic Structure

June 2003 Article by Mike Whaley The prototype fuselage was built during the month of June. Curtis returned late in the month to continue the refinement of the design. Things are progressing well... the fuselage is recognizable and on track for an Oshkosh debut.

Construction Begins

May 2003 Article by Mike Whaley Construction begins on the Pitts 14 prototype in early May 2003. Curtis came to the shop for a week as his Model 14 drawings became structure for the first time. Jigs were completed for the fuselage side sub-assemblies and tail surfaces. Tubing nibbler pattern templates were completed for all tubes [...]


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